Reyes Kajukenbo Memphis

Hard style Kajukenbo Self-defense, Emperado Method

Our self-defense programs have helped to develop discipline, respect, and confidence since 1960

Established in Memphis in 2003


From Hawaii, California, to Memphis.
The Reyes Ohana, Cultivates Respect, Discipline, and Self-Defense.


Join my family's time honored tradition — passed down from our founder, Sijo Emperado — through four generations from my grandfather, to my father, to me, and my daughters. Kajukenbo is rich in history and martial arts tradition, while practical for modern self-defense today. We focus on the tools to navigate conflict and defend in real-world situations.


Kids Kajukenbo

Ages: 6-12

Pricing: $75mo.

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5:20pm

Location: MIDTOWN

Midtown Krav Maga & Jujitsu
416 N. Cleveland St., Memphis, TN 38104

Our kids class cultivate confidence, discipline, self respect, and respect for others while practicing the traditional Art of Kajukenbo.

Adult Kajukenbo

Ages: 12+

Pricing: $100mo. KAJUKENBO+GYM or $160mo. GYM/KAJU/KALI/YOGA

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-8pm

Location: DOWNTOWN

Envision Fitness
1 North Main St., Memphis, TN 38103

Our adult classes explore the art in depth, we train combatively, and cultivate an aptitude for self-defense.

Intro to Self-Defense

Ages: 13+

Up to 50 Participants | 2hrs | 2 Instructors | $1,200

3 Course Bundle* | 6hrs | 2 Instructors | $3,000

Introduction | Applications | Combative Drills

This course is designed to provide an introduction to self defense education, covering both the mental preparation and physical techniques.

Topics: Awareness and assertiveness training, mental preparation, verbal self defense, escape holds, striking techniques, weapons, simulation, and legal considerations.

*Full day course or scheduled separately.

General Curriculum

Students will learn self-defense basing, shielding, blocking, striking, grappling, throws, takedowns, groundwork, weapons work, and combative sparring.


  • Red School shirts are required. Official red school shirts may be purchased here: Adults / Kids. Long black loose or stretchy pants are also required (student supplied).

  • Groin protection is required and available at most sporting goods outlets.

  • Mouth pieces are suggested for all classes.

  • Sparing gear and pads may be purchased through Reyes Kajukenbo or other martial arts retail outlets.

  • Full uniforms are required before testing and may be purchased here.


If you have any questions, sned us an email. We’d love to hear from you.



Reyes Kajukenbo Memphis from the left: Sifu Philip LeTard, Sigung Christopher Reyes, the Late Senior Grandmaster Alan Reyes, Sifu Greg Price, Sifu Joanna Harris